Wild Collagen DE

40 suggested servings - Glass Jar

Wild Collagen provides easily digestible, highly bioavailable Type I hydrolysed marine collagen peptides.

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Why Take It

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is naturally found in skin, cartilage and bones. As we age collagen levels naturally decline which may affect mobility, skin elasticity, joint and gut health (leading to visible signs of ageing). Hydrolysed collagen peptides play a key role in our cellular renewal process.

Our Wild Collagen is sustainably sourced from free swimming whitefish from the icy waters of the North.

How to Use

With a neutral taste, it dissolves easily into hot or cold drinks and is perfect to sprinkle on food to effortlessly nourish from within.

A real hero product for active lifestyles, fasting protocols and beauty rituals.

We recommend a dose of 5g up to 15g per day for optimal results.

Wild Collagen should be taken long term in order to get the full benefits. Subscribe and enjoy as part of your daily wellness ritual.


  • Highly absorbable hydrolysed type I collagen peptides.
  • A neutral odour and taste for effortless enjoyment.
  • Superior quality, sustainably sourced from wild-caught fish.
  • Key amino acids for cellular collagen formation and renewal.
  • A natural way to nourish the body and skin from within.
  • An excellent source of protein.
  • A hero product for active lifestyles and positive ageing.

Clinical Trials

Wir setzen auf Kollagen von höchster Reinheit, Wirksamkeit und Bioverfügbarkeit. Unsere Produkte basieren auf fundierter wissenschaftlicher Forschung und erfüllen die höchsten Standards für Qualität und Effektivität.

In einer unabhängigen Studie wurde Wild Collagen hinsichtlich seiner Wirkung auf die ganzheitliche Gesundheit untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen beeindruckende Verbesserungen für Haut, Haare, Nägel, Gelenke und die Verdauung.

In dieser  doppelblinden, placebokontrollierten Studie mit 60 gesunden britischen Frauen (35–55 Jahre) wurden die umfassenden Vorteile einer 12-wöchigen Kollagen-Supplementierung belegt – mit Ergebnissen, die weit über klassische Beauty-Versprechen hinausgehen.

Die Studie wurde von einem unabhängigen Ethikkomitee genehmigt und entspricht den höchsten Standards der klinischen Forschung.

Ein kurzer Einblick in die beeindruckenden Ergebnisse:

  • 137 % verbesserte Hautfeuchtigkeit
  •  26 % weniger feine Linien und Falten
  •  45%  weniger sichtbare Poren
  •  74 % bemerkten ein verbessertes Gelenk Wohlbefinden und weniger Steifheit
  •  97% stellten schnellere Regeneration nach dem Sport fest
  • 81% bemerkten mehr Energie im Alltag

Ingredients & Nutritionals


100% hydrolysiertes Meereskollagen Typ (Fisch)


Aminosäure g/100g Eiweiss
Glycin 21,8
Proline 11,1
Glutaminsäure 10,2
Arginin 9,5
Alanin 7,9
Hydroxyprolin 7,5
Asparaginsäure 6,4
Serin 6
Lysin 3,7
Threonine 2,8
Leucin 2,7
Valin 2,2
Phenylalanin 2,2
Methionin 1,9
Histidin 1,6
Isoleucin 1,3
Hydroxylysin 0,8
Tyrosin 0,7
Allergene in Fettdruck. Nicht empfohlen für Personen mit einer Allergie oder Unverträglichkeit gegenüber Fisch oder Schalentieren.

Vorsorglicher Hinweis: Nicht während der Schwangerschaft oder des Stillen empfohlen. Wenn du Medikamente einnehmen oder unter ärztlicher Aufsicht stehst, konsultiere immer deinen Arzt, bevor du ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel einnimmst. Außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern aufbewahren.


Nährwerte Pro 100 g Pro 5 g
ENERGIE 360kcal 18kcal
FETT 0g 0g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 0g 0g
einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 0g 0g
mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 0g 0g
davon Zucker 0g 0g
EIWEISS 90g 4,5g
SALZ 0,78g 0,04g
  • Whole Body Benefits

  • Finest Ingredients

  • Free Shipping Available

  • Sustainably Sourced

  • 30 Day Confidence Guarantee

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Ingredients explained

Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides

Collagen provides strength and integrity to the structural protein matrix found in skin, bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage.

Collagen loss is a natural part of ageing which occurs from our 30’s and increase as we grow older. Our hydrolysed collagen peptides are a specific size (under 5000DA’s) for maximum absorption and efficient integration into targeted cells.

Sourced from grass-fed herds in the EU and found pre-blended in our delicious brews of Coffee + Collagen, Matcha + Collagen and Cacao + Collagen or as our odourless, tasteless, highly dissolvable True Collagen to add to your own drinks.

Der ultimative Einsteiger-Guide für Kollagen

Von Hautgesundheit bis hin zu Sporternährung – du hast bestimmt schon von den vielen Vorteilen von Kollagen gehört. Es ist beliebt für die Unterstützung von Gelenken, Knochengesundheit, schöner Haut, menopausalen Beschwerden, gesundem Altern und der Regeneration nach dem Sport.
Read more
Der ultimative Einsteiger-Guide für Kollagen
4 Min read



There are a few key differences between marine and bovine collagen linked in our journal article here. Ultimately, marine collagen and bovine collagen are equally effective - both providing 100% hydrolysed type I collagen peptides. One is not better than the other, it’s more a matter of dietary preference. As long as the quality of the supplement is high then its source doesn’t really affect the benefits you receive.


The simple answer is yes! Many foods lose their nutritional value when you heat them, but collagen powder is not one of them.. Collagen peptides are heat stable up to 300°C, a temperature far higher than normal cooking and baking. As water boils at 100°C, collagen can be mixed into hot drinks, soups and stews without weakening its benefits.


Our True Collagen contains hydrolysed collagen peptides which are a more available and absorbable form of amino acids,making it easy for our body to utilise. Collagen exists in nature as a very large, complex molecule constructed from lots of long chains of polypeptides. The collagen molecule itself is far too big to be absorbed across the gut wall, so it needs to be broken down during digestion into smaller chains called peptides. Once absorbed, these peptides are available to contribute to collagen renewal within bones, skin and connective tissue. ‘Hyrdolysed’ simply means ‘unchaining’ the long protein strands into smaller ‘peptides’ so we can absorb them more readily. This process is like having them ‘predigested’, making them more bioactive so we can take them up and absorb them easily to build important tissues.


Taking collagen can be beneficial at any age, but we know that the body’s ability to produce collagen naturally starts to decline in our early 20s. As we move past roughly 30 years old, it is thought that collagen depletes faster than our body can produce it. Therefore, you can begin taking collagen in your 20s to get ahead of the body’s natural depletion as you age, but you are more likely to see noticeable benefits from age 35+. Ultimately, the age you want to start taking collagen supplements is a personal decision. The Ancient + Brave team will be here to support you and guide you through your journey.


Collagen production is closely linked to the fluctuations in oestrogen levels and therefore when oestrogen drops, so does collagen formation. It is thought that up to 30% of dermal collagen is lost in the first 5 years of the menopause, however supplementation with Type 1 collagen peptides has been shown to stimulate natural collagen prodcution and improve skin elasticity, hydration and reduce lines and wrinkles. Collagen does so much more than just cosmetics though - from improved bone density (also a concern during the menopause) better joint health and benefits for the cardiovascular system, it can be a supportive supplement for the body during such a significant change. 


You should always consult with your doctor or midwife regarding any new additions to your diet or supplements you take during your pregnancy and breastfeeding journey. Whilst there are also no studies available due to ethical challenges involving research in pregnant people, we aren’t aware of any contraindications in taking any of our products whilst pregnant or breastfeeding and they should be well tolerated.


In short, no and in fact, collagen may actually be a vital tool in helping you maintain a healthy weight. Collagen is a protein, and has been scientifically proven to keep people feeling fuller and more satiated for longer. It has also been shown to help boost your metabolism by helping to build lean muscle mass which in turn helps your body burn calories more efficiently. 


Stomach acid plays a very important role in breaking down protein and yet hydrolysed collagen peptides are unlikely to be digested in the stomach at all and instead go to the small intestine to be absorbed. Enzymes in the small intestine work at breaking down chains of protein molecules called peptides into even shorter peptides and amino acids which can then be absorbed in the bloodstream. The peptides and aminos will be added to the amino acid pool and trigger the body to produce new collagen. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 311 reviews

This does have a fishy smell but, only when you smell it from the jar. Once I’ve added it to a fruit smoothie or into my coffee, I literally can’t taste it!
The only thing that let this down was the free scoop that I got with it. When you use the scoop, this equates to 10g which then means that your jar will only last 20 days! The subscription is one jar every 4 weeks so you’re going to run out! I think they need to make a smaller scoop. The individual sachets are 5g so why not provide a 5g scoop?

Overall, I am really happy with this. I’ve not noticed any results as yet but will keep going.

Disappointing Smell and Taste

It says the product has a neutral odor and taste, but it smells like rotten fish and has an unpleasant taste. I couldn’t take it—waste of money. The matcha mix is a great product, but not this one."


This is really excellent

Anna C.
My Go-To Collagen Powder

A wonderful light Collagen powder that I have bought for years now. I also buy the little sachets when I travel so I never miss a day.

Mary K.

Excellent for hair regrowth.

Reviews in Other Languages


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